Help Center

1. Business details and signing authority

This section will collect information about your business, including business name, EIN, address, and signing authority.

Mandatory fields to note:

  1. Taxpayer PIN: This could be any 5-digit number (except all zeros), which will act as an electronic signature for your Form 2290. Please make sure you remember the PIN you're entering.

Nonmandatory fields to note:

  1. My address has been changed from my last filing: Check the box only if your address has been changed since your last filing.
  2. This is my final return: Check the box only if you no longer have vehicles to report and this is your final return with the IRS.
  3. Third-party designee: This is optional and would only apply if you were assigning a third person to discuss information on Form 2290 with the IRS.
  4. Third-party designee PIN: This could be any 5-digit number (except all zeros), which will act as an electronic signature for your Form 2290. Please make sure you remember the PIN you're entering.

2. Tax period and first used month

This section is used to obtain the first used month for this return, i.e., when your heavy vehicles are first used on a public highway.

Click on the first used month, and the tax year and return due date will be automatically calculated.

3. Taxable vehicles

This section is used to collect the taxable vehicles' information.

Make sure to enter the correct VIN and choose the gross weight of the vehicle. Tax amount will be automatically calculated based on the vehicle's taxable gross weight.

Nonmandatory fields to note:

  1. Unit number: A unit number can be a name or number that you use to refer your truck. For example, #12 and Truck 1. This field is optional and if you don't have a unit number, leave it blank.
  2. This is a logging vehicle: Check the box only if your vehicle is used for transporting products from forests. Note that logging vehicles are taxed at a different rate.

You can add as many taxable vehicles (with the same first used month) as you need.

4. Suspended vehicles

This section is used to collect the suspended vehicles' information.

Make sure to enter the correct VIN.

Nonmandatory fields to note:

  1. Unit number: A unit number can be a name or number that you use to refer your truck. For example, #12 and Truck 1. This field is optional and if you don't have a unit number, leave it blank.
  2. This is an agricultural vehicle: Check the box only if your vehicle is used for agricultural/farming purposes.
  3. This is a logging vehicle: Check the box only if your vehicle is used for transporting products from forests.

You can add as many suspended vehicles (with the same first used month) as you need.

5. Prior-year Suspended vehicles

This section is used to collect the prior-year suspended vehicles' information.

Make sure to enter the correct VIN.

Reason for reporting:

  • Mileage exceeded: Choose this option if you have reported the vehicle as suspended in the previous return but exceeded the mileage limit. The mileage limit is 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles).
  • OR
  • Sold or transferred: Choose this option if you have reported the vehicle as suspended vehicle in the previous return but you have sold or transferred it. Please note the buyer name and sold date are required.

You can add as many prior-year suspended vehicles (with the same first used month) as you need.

6. Credit vehicles

Use this section if you have reported taxable vehicles in your previous return and paid tax but want to claim credits due to any of the following reasons: sold, destroyed or stolen, or driven for low mileage.

Make sure to enter the correct VIN and taxable gross weight.

Reason for claiming credit:

  • Sold: Choose this option if you have reported the vehicle as taxable in the previous return but you have sold or transferred the vehicle. Please note the buyer information is required.
  • Destroyed or stolen: Choose this option if you have reported the vehicle as taxable in the previous return but the vehicle has been destroyed or stolen.
  • Low mileage: Choose this option if you have reported the vehicle as taxable in the previous return but drove less than the mileage limit. The mileage limit is 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles).

You can add as many prior-year suspended vehicles (with the same first used month) as you need.

7. IRS payment details

Use this section to select how you will be paying the tax amount due. There are 3 payment methods available.

  • Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW): This is the recommended payment method. The IRS will automatically debit the tax due from your bank account after accepting your 2290 return.
  • EFTPS: In order to choose this option, you should already have an EFTPS account set up with the IRS. Once your return is accepted, you will need to log into your account and pay the tax amount due.
  • Credit or debit card: Credit or debit card: After your return is accepted, you will need to manually pay the tax amount due by using one of the IRS’s authorized payment processors. Note: There will be a fee that will vary by processor if you choose this option.

Create your paystub

1. Company Information

Enter your company information in the fields below.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory

Company's 9-digit Employer Identification Number

Enter your company's post box number, street, and county.

Company Logo

Upload your company logo from the local device .

*Paystub Template

Change Paystub Template


Modern: Fire

2. Employee/Contractor Information

Enter your employee/contractor information in the fields below.

Code or Number you use to uniquely identify this Employee.

Federal Information

Enter the information in the appropriate fields as mentioned in the employee's Form W-4.

State Information

-- Please choose company state --

3. Salary Information

Enter the salary information in the fields below.


Employee work hours for the selected pay period

Unique number of up to 4 digits, which can be your check number that you provide to Employees.

*Gross Earnings will be automatically calculated based on the Wage/Pay Rate, Pay Schedule and Hours worked





Time Off
Employee Taxes
Tax DescriptionTaxYTD
Net Pay:
YTD Net Pay: